Thursday, February 18, 2010

I am a people watcher. I love to watch the world outside my window. Today I saw a guy in full runner's apparel running down the street--with a carton of eggs. Shortly thereafter, I saw a woman walking near the same spot wearing an apron and carrying a cookie sheet. Is there a baking triathalon somewhere that I haven't heard about?

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

to the dogs

Last night Jay and I were eating pizza for supper. Sitting at our feet and giving us the "puppy dog eyes" (literally) was our dog, Sammy. He kept looking from one of us to the other and wagging his tail expectantly. Jay told him that it wouldn't be good for him to eat it and he would regret it later and therefore did not share his pizza. Good choice on his part. But the dog seriously had tears in his eyes.

It made me think though. I do that to God. I sit and beg him for something and I'm so disappointed that he doesn't give me what I want. But he knows it might not be good for me and will cause me to suffer.

I know. A simple concept. Why is it so hard for me to get it?