Thursday, February 18, 2010

I am a people watcher. I love to watch the world outside my window. Today I saw a guy in full runner's apparel running down the street--with a carton of eggs. Shortly thereafter, I saw a woman walking near the same spot wearing an apron and carrying a cookie sheet. Is there a baking triathalon somewhere that I haven't heard about?


  1. can't wait to hear what that was all about.

  2. Perhaps it was a spy running from the stalker neighbor who was trying to bake something and kill him because she found out he was part of the Taliban! Maybe he's allergic to eggs and she found his vulnerability!! OOh! Do tell what you find out if you do. =) LOL Your observations amuse me to no end.

  3. If there is a baking triathalon, then SIGN.ME.UP! :)

  4. HAhahaha! Thanks! You made me laugh out loud.
